Court monitoring of intimate partner violence cases

Kdo stojí za projektem: People Against Patriarchy (PATENT Association)

Odpovědná osoba: Spronz Júlia


Cena 2 000 euro


Občanská společnost / Sociální podnik

O čem projekt je?
Hodnocení poroty

The gender gap does not spare Lady Justice. In court, structural violence tends to succeed the direct physical or psychological violence perpetrated by intimate partners. Structural violence is very difficult to recognise. Innovative notably in its complexity, “Court Monitoring” intervenes in the judicial system in its broadest sense – it starts with the question how much more abuse I must tolerate, how good my chances are if I take my partner to court. Observing court proceedings is a means of control, of gaining in visibility. Behaviour of all involved will change. Subsequent institutionalised feedback will disturb established patriarchal patterns in a sustainable manner. That is more than necessary.