
Kdo stojí za projektem: atempo Betriebsgesellschaft mbH

Odpovědná osoba: Mag.Klaus Candussi


Cena 1 000 euro


O čem projekt je?
In this project, people with learning difficulties and disabilities evaluate and describe the quality of care services from the point of view of the users. “Victims” thus become empowered consumers who help to ensure that the range of residential services on offer to the disabled is constantly improved. Nueva is not only of help to the users themselves, but also to service suppliers and the public authorities. Two-thirds of the twenty people employed by Nueva are people with learning difficulties, who work in socially recognised positions outside the typical range of “jobs for the disabled”. The success of the project has resulted in it being set up in Vienna, while the next expansion step is to take it beyond the Austrian borders to Berlin.
Hodnocení poroty
The jury praised the project for “improving the range of services on offer” and expressed its hope that “the results of the evaluations will be implemented to the greatest possible extent”. The project was awarded a prize of €1000 in 2007.