Omama is an early child development home-visiting program which supports a healthy cognitive, social, and physical development of Roma children living in poverty during the most critical period of every child's life (0-3 years). Home visits are delivered by trained Roma women from the local communities. They are empowered to be a part of the solution in ending the cycle of generational poverty.
The Omama project
Projektträger: Cesta von
Verantwortliche*r: Oľga Shaw

1. Preis
Zivilgesellschaft / Sozialwirtschaft
Soziales, Gesundheit

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Early and regular steps. Gentle, innovative, persistent. Every small step of progress is celebrated: The child succeeds in an exercise. The Omama is employed for the first time in her life. The children will not automatically be enrolled in a special school later. A detailed manual, an observation sheet completed after each visit, and the scientific support serve to improve and expand: More Omamas in more settlements. The promotion of children after the third year of life as well. Politicians take more responsibility for the situation of the Roma minority by strongly supporting their improvement.