Call and Raise program's goal is to give young people (ages 12-18) living in segregated settlements a chance to continue their education, to obtain a high school diploma or an even higher education. The project is innovative because we use online education to supplement face-to-face education in a complex way. Bagázs's program is the only one in the country that provides the opportunity for independent study at home for youth living in segregation and poverty, in addition to supporting families on several levels in eliminating factors that hinder learning (housing, health, financial etc.)
Call and Raise
Nositelj projekta: Bagázs Közhasznú Egyesület (Bagázs Public Benefit Association)
Odgovorna osoba: Kakuk Tímea

Civilno društvo / Društvena ekonomija
Socijalna i zdravstvena skrb

Data shows that only 7.6% of Roma people obtain a high school certificate or a diploma vs. 52.7% in wider society. In Hungary, spontaneous segregation is a common rural issue; children fail at school, they lack successful experiences, and early school dropout rates are significantly higher in segregated settlements.
The Call and Raise project works on several levels to ensure that children (ages 12-18), living in or coming from Roma settlements, obtain a diploma. The project provides both online tutoring and intensive support to children and their families in solving obstacles to learning, e.g. housing, health, financial difficulties.
Home study is unknown to children living in segregated environments: typically, they cannot study alone nor do their parents support them. No extant practices exist to keep these students in the education system. As such, a tangible reward system, which strengthens internal learning motivation is used. The participant’s family is involved in the program, to strengthen the family to support the child in further education.
Participants achieve fast, tangible results, increasing their self-confidence and esteem. The project also strengthens parental competences and social networks through volunteers and long-term relationship development. Online learning is adapted to personal knowledge and goals, and develops digital competences. Students have access to inclusive opportunities, e.g. summer camps, programs, dormitories.
As a result of online elements, the program can be transferred to other regions and Roma settlements. Elements related to local presence, social work with families, and joint trips can also be achieved with fewer volunteers. Volunteers are trained online, with existing methodology and curriculum.