Energie- und Integrationsförderung
Vlastník projektu: komm!unity, Verein zur Förderung der Jugend-, Integrations- und Gemeinwesenarbeit
Zodpovedná osoba: Kayahan Kaya
Cena v hodnote 2 000 Eur
Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik
Sensitisation in matters of energy efficiency that simultaneously promotes integration of migrant households – combining these two may be known in an urban context, it was so far totally unknown in rural communes of Lower Tyrol. Native German, English, Turkish, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian speaking energy saving helpers have so far reached more than 200 energy-poor households of migrant background. The first counselling reduces energy costs by about 5%. The project links integration of people of migrant background, the combating of (energy) poverty and awareness creation for energy saving through a cooperation of the profit and non-profit sectors. A transfer to other communes and to other regions is in the works.