Lastnik projekta: pro mente plus GmbH

Odgovorna oseba: DSA Wolfgang Gföllner, MAS


1,000 Euro Prize


Civilna družba / Socialno gospodarstvo

What is it about?
Help has been provided to mentally ill offenders since 2005 during the transition from the execution of measures in psychiatric hospitals or prison to conditional release and, subsequently, during court rulings. Thanks to special forms of housing and living, from living quarters which are supervised around the clock to mobile supervision in shared apartments or individual apartments to visiting, mobile supervision in private accommodation, with and without employment structuring their days respectively. The transition begins at an early stage by moving the main place of residence to outside the institution and handing it over permanently to the client, if appropriate, at the end of the lease for individual apartments.
Pohvala žirije
A very specifically tailored service for a very specific target group. Assistance and control have to be associated with one another in a meaningful way in order to be useful – in the eyes of the clients, in the eyes of the judiciary and in the eyes of the psychiatric institutions. The balance between controlled supervision and supervised control appears to be a great success, supply and demand are increasing and more supervision places are to be created. We hope that the design of a lasting transition from being locked up back to being part of society continues to succeed, more and more!