Kdo stojí za projektem: pro mente plus GmbH
Odpovědná osoba: DSA Wolfgang Gföllner, MAS
Cena 1 000 euro
Občanská společnost / Sociální podnik
Právo, Spravedlnost
Sociální práce, Zdravotnictví
O čem projekt je?
Hodnocení poroty
A very specifically tailored service for a very specific target group. Assistance and control have to be associated with one another in a meaningful way in order to be useful – in the eyes of the clients, in the eyes of the judiciary and in the eyes of the psychiatric institutions. The balance between controlled supervision and supervised control appears to be a great success, supply and demand are increasing and more supervision places are to be created. We hope that the design of a lasting transition from being locked up back to being part of society continues to succeed, more and more!