
Kdo stojí za projektem: atlatszo.hu Nonprofit Ltd.

Odpovědná osoba: Zala Krisztina


2. cena


Občanská společnost / Sociální podnik

O čem projekt je?
Hodnocení poroty

WhoKnowsWhat? is a courageous and innovative form of citizen self-organisation that helps with the application of a right that has so far been little respected in Hungary: freedom of information – the right to political control by citizens by means of being well and comprehensively informed. WhoKnowsWhat? offers free assistance with concrete requests, and also workshops throughout the country – for journalists, students, NGOs or anyone else interested – to inform about this freedom of information (FOI) and how to exercise this right. WhoKnowsWhat? acts concretely and is very political. Reactions prove that it is highly effective.