Green Baskets for healthy community

Nositelj projekta: Social agricultural cooperative Home Garden

Odgovorna osoba: Rusalka Majer


Nagrada u vrijednosti od 2000 eura


Civilno društvo / Društvena ekonomija

O čemu je riječ?

As a social enterprise whose management is based on fair trade, principles of participatory democracy and the inclusion of marginalized groups on the labor market, social agricultural cooperative Home Garden is a model of sustainable development. We want to emphasize the importance of fair relations, conscientious and responsible behavior to society, the environment and the community.

Ocjena žirija

People from the Roma community and organic farmers are – on equal terms – members of a social agricultural cooperative. The two are from societal groups that usually do not (want to) have much in common. With the project “Green Baskets for a Healthy Community”, they now practice organic farming together and are able to feed their own and other families healthily. That’s more than innovative! What’s more, unused land is reactivated and high-value products are made affordable to urban families through direct marketing. That is an economy at its participative and ecological best! And social inclusion is put into practice. That is what lived responsibility for the community and for the environment looks like!