Those under civil commitment are meant to be locked away. SiM has made them more visible than ever. Innovation is here at its best. Former inmates have come true on their promise to create the first facility independent of the justice system that represents the interests of (former) prisoners under civil commitment. SiM networks fast and well, raises very concrete hopes, spreads knowledge. What started well in 1975 as “therapy instead of punishment” has since the 90s turned into inadequate care, mounting numbers and increasing detention periods for prisoners suffering from mental disorders. They should be treated in hospitals. A reform is more than necessary. SiM shows that inmates can be resocialised. And how!
Peer Group and Representation of interests in preventive detention
Nositelj projekta: Selbst- und Interessensvertretung zum Maßnahmenvollzug (SiM)
Odgovorna osoba: Markus Drechsler

Nagrada u vrijednosti od 2000 eura
Civilno društvo / Društvena ekonomija
Pravo, Pravednost
Socijalna i zdravstvena skrb

Ocjena žirija