Studio 27

Nositelj projekta: Fokus Praha, z.ú.

Odgovorna osoba: Mgr. Břetislav Košťál


1. nagrada


Civilno društvo / Društvena ekonomija

Ocjena žirija

“Studio 27“ wants “to break down the myths about the inability, dangerousness and asocial behaviour of the mentally ill”. It does this very successfully. By their very work, the journalists who have joined their forces to create this studio thwart the societal prejudice that people like them are not capable of intellectual work. It is exactly such disturbances, unsettling never questioned beliefs, which enable social learning. What is important is that the concerned help each other as they do in “Studio 27”; and that they find structures to support them, like Fokus Praha. Then innovation can succeed and a process of emancipation is launched that may even help psychiatric reform to live up to expectations.