Maacraft is a social workshop with a new progressive practice that was based on individual employment skills. Linked to the well-tried best practices of employment of the Autistic Fundation of Miskolc, the workshop is supported by creatives and designers. Protecting the interests and developing the skills of mentally disabled and autistic people, the company was founded in 2012, utilizing design's value creating benefits.
MAACRAFT – The Social Workshop
Nositelj projekta: Miskolci Autista Alapítvány
Odgovorna osoba: Szalkai Dániel

Civilno društvo / Društvena ekonomija
Socijalna i zdravstvena skrb

Disabled people, like all people, have the basic need of financial security and moral support. Despite this, there are few opportunities in modern society for these people to contribute in employment. For disabled people, one of the few possibilities relates to design and construction. Residential homes offer a well-proven outlet for such skills.
In addition to rehabilitation, Maacraft – The Social Workshop project aims to create lovable design products with high customer satisfaction, through involving young disabled people in employment. By showcasing their designs, the project seeks to demonstrate that these people are a valuable part of society and strengthens the process for disabled people to step out of their disadvantaged social status.
In addition to the inhouse team (including a designer, manager, workshop leader, and specialist instructor) the project also incorporates special employees (disabled people) in the work. Professionals of the Miskolci Autista Foundation provide professional assistance, as well as administration, and workshop support.
The project seeks to provide employment for people with autism and intellectual disabilities; this in turn helps to provide positive representation in society. More than this, Maacraft raises awareness in society of the needs of this group and helps to innovate new techniques of practice.
The universal nature of the methodology, techniques, and target group means that the very concept of the project is transferable to diverse areas, regions and individuals. Its emphasis on people and human values with a general holistic approach means that Maacraft can be adapted to suit numerous other areas of life.