Projekt se sastoji od programa mentorstva osmišljenog kako bi podržao mlade s izbjegličkim iskustvom da se brže i lakše uključe u Hrvatsku zajednicu te nastoji aktivirati lokalnu zajednicu kao dio procesa pružanjem prilike za volontiranje kroz mentorstvo. Mentorski parovi redovito se sastaju kako bi radili na usvajanju poznavanja jezika, traženju posla, razumijevanju hrvatske kulture i zemlje te prema onome što mentorirana osoba žele postići u vlastitom životu. Cilj projekta je osnažiti mlade ljude da ostvare svoj potencijal i postanu neovisni o institucionalnoj pomoći.
Get Together
Nositelj projekta: Udruga Bez Granica (Borders:none)
Odgovorna osoba: Nataša Koprtla

Civilno društvo / Društvena ekonomija
Lokalni razvoj

As the number of asylum seekers in Croatia increases, so do the challenges to their social integration, especially for young people who face language and cultural barriers, loss of support, access to rights and lack of information. At the same time, the involvement of the local community in the integration of newcomers remains insufficiently addressed.
The Get Together project promotes links between young refugees and local volunteer mentors. Over six months, mentoring pairs meet regularly to work towards set goals. Mentors provide both practical and emotional support, guiding their mentees towards independence, helping them to realise their potential and increasing their chances of successful integration.
To date, over 30 volunteers have mentored 39 young people, focusing on language practice, cultural education, job search, educational guidance and socialisation. A dedicated social worker trains and supervises the mentoring pairs to ensure that objectives are met, while the rest of the team assists with project implementation and communication.
Mentoring relationships improve young people's language skills, cultural awareness, labour market integration, educational progress and self-confidence. At the same time, the project benefits the local community by highlighting the importance of inclusion and motivating community members to participate in the inclusion process.
The mentoring programme is replicable across European host communities and can be adapted to the specific challenges, needs and aspirations of the refugee community in each country. Its flexible and empowering framework allows it to be tailored to different groups vulnerable to or at risk of social exclusion, making it a versatile model for promoting inclusion.