Nahversorger- Minimarkt im Salzkammergut
Nositelj projekta: promente OÖ
Odgovorna osoba: Mag. Hans Neußer-Harringer/Helmut Steinkogler
Nagrada u vrijednosti od 1000 eura
Socijalna i zdravstvena skrb
O čemu je riječ?
Four mini-markets are creating and guaranteeing local access to food and other necessities in Salzkammergut. A delivery service is provided for people who cannot go shopping because their mobility is restricted. Simultaneously, the project offers vocational training to 16 young people with psycho-social difficulties and thus gives them the chance of having a future career. Ultimately, the project also offers people with a socio-psychiatric background the opportunity of work-related rehabilitation. As a further innovation, the project’s strong local links are demonstrated by the speciality section, where food products from the surrounding area are sold.
Ocjena žirija
In 2008, the project was awarded a prize of €1000 by the jury for being “destigmatising and future-oriented” and for “adapting its services to the needs of the individual”.