Nositelj projekta: Lebenshilfe Salzburg gemeinnützige GmbH

Odgovorna osoba: Mag. a Claudia Tomasini


2. nagrada


Civilno društvo / Društvena ekonomija

Ocjena žirija

Two worlds with completely different focuses are working together. The aim of this working relationship is to contradict the image that society, i.e. all of us, have of people with disabilities and their capabilities. People with disabilities are producing luxury goods. The budding designers of the University of Applied Sciences consider the production conditions of workshops for people with disabilities. The Porsche Design Studio can show its creativity in a completely different way. I do not buy LebensDESIGN products out of pity, but because of the brand. It is already planned to expand the project. We hope that it succeeds. Particularly, in people’s minds!